with Yuwei Lin and Manuela Schmidt

mapping party yuwei und manuela

Maps based on OpenStreetMap data. Toner and watercolor style by Stamen.

This mapping party will begin with a short introduction on OpenStreetMap, underlining the importance and usefulness of a free/open source geographic data and geographic information system. Then, participants will go on a walking tour in the local area (near Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory) using Field Papers to validate, add, or change existing geographic data. After the tour, there will be a practical demonstration about how to upload the data and how to edit OpenStreetMap.

No previous experience of mapping is required, nor is possession of a GPS or smart phone. The district tour is open to all genders. The mapping party is FLT-only (frauen, lesben, trans only). The event will be led by Yuwei Lin and Manuela Schmidt.


YUWEI LIN is a whimsical sociologist in free/open source cultures and technologies. She leads the media and communication course at the University for the Creative Arts, UK.
For more information about Yuwei please visit or

MANUELA SCHMIDT is a cartographer and designer currently working as an assistant at Vienna University of Technology. She is an OpenStreetMap enthusiast since 2009 and did research on the participant structure of the project.
More about Manu on twitter and