Category: research

Making.Artistic.Technology: Elizabeth Losh on FemTechNet

Artistic Bokeh in collaboration with Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory presents a discussion with US media theorist Elizabeth Losh on

‘A Woman’s Touch: Pink Collar Workers and Feminist Origin Stories’

Wednesday October 28, 18:30 – 20:00
Raum D, MuseumsQuartier
(Achtung: diesmal nicht in Mz Baltazar’s Lab Raum auf der Sechshauserstraße)



In recent years there have been a number of significant theoretical shifts in the study of digital media.  By emphasizing the material, situated, contingent, embodied, affective, and labor-intensive characteristics of digital media rather than friction-free visions of “virtual reality” or “cyberspace,” theorists of media archeology are also expressing their concerns about present-day power relations around apparatuses and interfaces and signifying interest in collective consciousness-raising efforts.   As science and technology studies (STS) and tactical media play a greater role in media studies, international feminist collectives like FemTechNet and the Fembot Collective are growing.  At the same time, cyberfeminist work from decades before – by seminal figures, such as Lynn Hershman Leeson, Faith Wilding, and Shu Lea Cheang — is gaining recognition.  Unfortunately elitism can insinuate itself into these discourses by ignoring women’s long history of engagement with computational media as low-status pink collar workers and how they continue to supply manual labor in the supply chains of digital media today.



Elizabeth Losh is the author of Virtualpolitik: An Electronic History of Government Media-Making in a Time of War, Scandal, Disaster, Miscommunication, and Mistakes (MIT Press, 2009) and The War on Learning: Gaining Ground in the Digital University (MIT Press, 2014) and has been a co-facilitator of FemTechNet, an international collective of feminist scholars, artists, activists, and learners who work with and about technology. She is also the co-author of the comic book textbook Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2013) with Jonathan Alexander.

She has also written a number of frequently cited essays about communities that produce, consume, and circulate online video, videogames, digital photographs, text postings, and programming code. The diverse range of subject matter analyzed in her scholarship has included coming out videos on YouTube, videogame fan films created by immigrants, combat footage from soldiers in Iraq shot on mobile devices, video evidence created for social media sites by protesters on the Mavi Marmara, remix videos from the Arab Spring, the use of Twitter and Facebook by Indian activists working for women’s rights after the Delhi rape case, and the use of Instagram by anti-government activists in Ukraine.

Before coming to William and Mary, she was Director of the Culture, Art, and Technology program at Sixth College at U.C. San Diego, where she taught courses on digital rhetoric and new media.  She is also a blogger for Digital Media and Learning Central, and a Steering Committee member of FemTechNet.

MAPPING PARTY with district walking tour : : 6–8pm on the 3rd of September


with Yuwei Lin and Manuela Schmidt

mapping party yuwei und manuela

Maps based on OpenStreetMap data. Toner and watercolor style by Stamen.

This mapping party will begin with a short introduction on OpenStreetMap, underlining the importance and usefulness of a free/open source geographic data and geographic information system. Then, participants will go on a walking tour in the local area (near Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory) using Field Papers to validate, add, or change existing geographic data. After the tour, there will be a practical demonstration about how to upload the data and how to edit OpenStreetMap.
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Miss Baltazar's Lab workshops in Christiania – Copenhagen April 2013 – only women and trans


In a three-day workshop we will hack hardware, make noise and produce stencils with open-source software. We will ask a lot of “dumb” questions and also develop technology together to accomplish an artistic project. No expert is required for participants. We want to share our knowledge and equipment and use the opensource tools of technology to express ouservelves in a new way. Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory offers to women and trans the opportunity to acquire skills in electronics and programing to realize interactive projects. The workshops will be held on Fridays at 15h in Maelkeboetten/ Christiania.

Please sign in or ask questions in on our facebook page:

Price per workshop: material costs

Artists & Workshops

Maria Hera “Ma soer cent têtes” Stencil workshop

12.04.2013 at 15h


Ma soeur cent têtes is a gender-feminist street-art project. Maria Hera collected biographies of women who did interesting things in the past/future, made stencils out of their portraits and sprayed it in public space. Every stencil is basically provided with a bar- or QR-code witch leads to the wiki- or website of the shown woman.

The workshop is structured in the following way: depending to possibilities a viewing of the stencils on location or online is intended. Hereby the intention and concept are presented. In the second part the participants can learn the technic, according to individual interests, by creating self-chosen females or by cutting all ready existing stencils and spray them. The workshop empowers the participants to realize individual ideas or participate as a multiplicator in the process of publishing the women heroes.

Patrícia J. Reis – Electronics & Arduino Introduction Workshop

19.04.2013 at 15h


This workshop aims to introduce the basics of electronics, focusing on what is essential for exploiting the open source Arduino platform and therefore to build things using different kinds of in and out-puts. We propose a relaxed approach and we aim to provide a pleasant environment for exploring, playing with the tools and above all having fun!

Christine Schörkhuber – The beauty of distorsion visual generation without laptop

26.04.2013 at 15h


This workshop provides features to create visuals without the use of a laptop. In a playful way the powerful technical “magic box” is demystified and hacked.

Electric disturbance signals generated by Audio Signals are used to create abstract video landscapes. To open up cables and learn how to modify the signals is a first insight into the operating mode of signal transmission and basic electronics.

“Beauty of distorsion” is a glitch art project on the intersection of Video Art, Sound Art and Literature.


With thanks to our Founding Partners: Statens Kunstrad Danish Arts Council & Osterreichische Botschaft in Copenhagen who have made this workshop series possible.


Bildschirmfoto 2013-03-27 um 23.38.04Logo Botschaft


ars electronica facade project

since we are researching for ways to play with the ars electronica LED fassade, theresa schubert has sent us this video of an artist’s application called iRiS:

iRiS – from awiethoff on Vimeo.

by Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory 2011

Our collective develops a game that can be played via smart phone.
The project is targeted to people passing AEC, who are present in the public space around the AEC fassade and enables players to immediately interact with the system. Real time effects of the user’s interaction create a meaningful dynamic between choices players take on their mobiles and what is visually displayed on the fassade.
The structure of the mobile game is challenging players to find a balance between accumulations and deprivation, fostering generative growth of visual algorithms as much as the intentional sudden destruction of these visual structures. Rather than accumulating and gaining, the game is about creating tactically smart win-win situations through mutually caused, non-linear, osmotic  processes. The player can control these processes via an interactive animation on the mobile phone screen (html, PhP, MYSQL). In order to “succeed” in the game, the biological patterns accumulating and taking over the fassade through the player’s interaction, similar to certain kinds of bacteria, must be at the same time mastered/regulated into a fluctuating movement. Once the users have collaboratively managed to create this kind of stable and fluctuating balance the game is won.
The aim of the game is to explore methods of redistributing values in a dynamic system and the intermittency between biological creation (evolutiono famoebae) and code (network) structure.
About Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory:
Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory offers women a space to make electronics their own and realize interactive art projects. In workshops and temporay collaborations women artists share their skills on Open Source Software and Hardware, hack, solder and make noise. Our activities are taking place on a regular basis at MQ in Vienna, but are also travelling to international institutions and festivals (e.g. Transmediale in Berlin, ISEA 2011 in Istanbul).
Artists involved: Christine Schörkhuber. Claudia Mongini. Delphine Mei. Stefanie Wuschitz. Theresa Schubert.

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