Tag: hacking


Working within TRANSpecies symbiotic intra-actions, Paula Pin will present and facilitate a one-day OpenLab* and collaborative research platform at Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory. After a round table, we will explore the merger of the labs and the last version of CyanoVan – her mobile laboratory. Through CyanoVan, Pin honours her love towards spirulina, a genus of cyanobacteria. The open session will address and explore the emergence of new cosmological species during the presentation of intra-chemical molecular atomic intra-actions. 

Working within the framework of open-source gyne- & ecological soft hard and wet technologies, we invite participants to playfully engage with microscopy, and synthesisers to examine the signification of the microorganism on the microscope. Exploring and researching together, we will functionally speculate about future possibilities of myco-growing, phytoremediation, wastewater treatment, fertiliser creation and the relationship of our bodies and their technological prosthetics to the ecosystems they are embedded in. 


*OpenLab is a part of and a collaboration with many labs Paula Pin has been engaged with, including Hackteria network, transhackfeminist  Biotranslab and Pechblenda autonomous labs.

A new associative constellation is emerging in Galicia to expand the interactions with the world.

About the artist

As a researcher, artist, and activist, Paula Pin has a strong inclination for experimental processes with collective and free technologies. Her work spans from drawing to abstract video, from circuit bending to performance and lab experiments, always located at the intersection where biology, science, and queer art collide.   She has participated in the independent trans-hack-feminist laboratories Pechblenda and Transnoise and has collaborated in the extensive bio-hacking network, Hackteria, since 2012. Her practical experience in bio-hacking (body/environment) and health in the Pechblenda laboratory gave way to Biotranslab, an autonomous lab on wheels for experiments and investigations on Open Science Friction and queer natures on the road. The lab is set inside a bus, the CyanoVan. The lab is now on wheels running participatory workshops and promoting biohacking as critical sites for knowledge production and collaborative queerings of the status quo.  She has been a resident artist at institutions such Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris; School of Arts (KASK), Ghent; Hangar, Barcelona; and Gaité Lyrique Paris, and has participated in Query Ecologies at Click Festival, Denmark and OSH Open Source Gathering, Shenzhen, China between others.

Linux Intro Workshop for women* and trans* people


## English version for German please scroll down ##


Linux Intro Workshop for women* and trans* people 2nd/3rd December 2016


Is your computer and what it does often a kind of riddle to you? Got enough of “Windows” and already thought it would be interesting to try Linux? And actually you don’t always want to ask some male nerd in your surroundings when nothing seems to work anymore? Maybe this workshop would be the thing for you.

On invitation of Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, Mz. Balthazar’s Laboratory, diebin.at and A Noether Network invite to a workshop for women* and trans* people, on the 2nd and 3rd December 2016. In this workshop we want to learn and experiment with Linux together. Questions we want to address, while also testing and playing around a lot, are:

* Why Free Software?

* What does an Operating System do?

* What is Linux and how does it work?

* What happens behind my Graphical User Interface?

* What/how can I influence/manipulate that?

Interested? But not sure?


This workshops is for all those of you, who just want to get to know Linux/their computer more. No previous knowledge is required.

Also people who already have some experience with Linux might learn some thing new in this workshop. We want everyone to feel comfortable. Therefore, just showing off one’s own technical skills isn’t something we support. All workshop participants should respectfully learn with and from each other.

And when and where is it?


The workshop will be hosted by Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory and takes place in their rooms at Wallensteinstrasse 38-40/8 in the 20th disctrict in Vienna. Here you can find it on Open Street Map: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/139761870#map=19/48.23009/16.37238

Workshop hours are:

Fr., 2nd December 18 to 20 o’clock

Sa., 3rd December 11 to 16 o’clock

The workshop takes two days. It is important that you can participate on both days.

Ok, I want to participate. Registration:


Participation in the workshop is free of charge. To register, write us an e-mail until 19th November 2016 to workshop@diebin.at

The workshop will be most productive for you if you bring your own notebook (it does not have to have Linux installed and you are also not required to do so throughout the workshop). If you don’t have a notebook, we have one or two Linux-Notebooks in spare.

Please also provide the following information in your registration e-mail:

* Can you bring your own notebook? Which Operating System do you use on it? (e.g. Windows 8, Windows 10, Mac OS, Ubuntu Linux, …)

* Do you have any special needs (e.g. child care, barrier-free/accessible rooms, …)

The workshop is limited to 12 participants. We therefore urge you to make reliable registrations until 19th Nov. 2016. Also if you realize, that you will not be able to participate, let us know immediately, so we can provide this place to another person who is on the waiting list.

As working language in the workshop we will use german. But we can provide translation to and from English if needed.

Follow-up workshops


This workshop is part of a workshop series by diebin.at and A Noether Network. You can also join the following two workshops:

* Part 2: Shell Programming/Scripting

* Part 3: How do I set up a (web-)server?

Parts 2 will likely take place in January and part 3 in February 2017. The workshops build on top of each other, but they can be also visited independently.

Notes on our invitation policy


Education and transfer of knowledge about technology is often paired with mechanisms of exclusion, which make access to technology especially hard for women*. We work against attributions and assumptions about who is able to understand technical stuff. Therefore we are also against the dominance of cis men in technical context.

Our goal for this workshop is, to create a room in which especially those feel empowered to learn and play with technology, who are traditionally excluded from this area of expertise. Therefore our workshop is open for women* an trans people only.

We are aware that also women* might act in ways which take away room and agency from other women*. An exclusively female* room therefore also does not solve all the problems we see in this area. Nevertheless it is a well proven method to encourage women* to engage with technology.

In the end it is of course about how we act in the workshop. Therefore we want to use the same Codes of Conduct, which Mz* Baltazar’s Lab set up for their own events: http://www.mzbaltazarslaboratory.org/code-of-conduct/

Ist dein Computer und was dieses Ding macht für dich oft auch ein Rätsel? Hast du eigentlich auch Windows satt und dachtest schon mal es wär spannend Linux auszuprobieren? Und eigentlich magst du auch nicht immer irgendwelche männlichen Nerds in deinem Umfeld fragen müssen, wenn mal wirklich gar nichts mehr geht? Dann wäre dieser Workshop vermutlich etwas für dich.
Auf Einladung von Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory,  laden diebin.at und A Noether Network am 2. und 3. Dezember 2016 zu einem Workshop für Frauen* und Transpersonen ein, bei dem wir uns gemeinsam Linux aneigenen wollen. Wir wollen dabei unter anderem folgenden Fragen nachgehen und dabei aber auch ganz viel ausprobieren:
  •     Warum freie Software?
  •     Was tut ein Betriebssystem?
  •     Was ist Linux und wie funktionierts?
  •     Was passiert hinter meiner grafischen Oberfläche?
  •     Was/wie kann ich das beeinflussen/manipulieren?
Interessiert? Aber unsicher?
Der Workshop richtet sich an alle die sich einfach mal detaillierter mit Linux/ihrem Computer auseinandersetzen wollen. Es werden keine Vorkenntnisse benötigt.
Auch Menschen, die bereits Erfahrung mit Linux haben können hier vielleicht noch einiges lernen. Wir wollen beim Workshop darauf achten, dass sich alle wohlfühlen. Technische Herumcheckereien finden wir daher nicht so toll. In diesem Workshop sollen alle respektvoll mit- und voneinenander lernen können.
Wann und wo ist das überhaupt?
Der Workshop findet in Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory in der Wallensteinstrasse … statt.
Die Worshopzeiten sind:
    Fr., 2. Dezember 18 bis 20 Uhr
    Sa., 3. Dezember 11 bis 15 Uhr (Je nach  Anforderung auch länger!)
Der Workshop ist zweitägig. Es ist wichtig, dass du zu beiden Terminen kommen kannst.
Ok, ich will mitmachen. Anmeldung
Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist gratis. Um dich zum Workshop anzumelden, schreibe uns bis inklusive 19. November 2016 eine e-Mail.
Am meisten rausholen kannst du aus diesem Workshop wenn du dein eigenes Notebook mitbringst (es muss auch kein Linux drauf sein und du musst auch gar keines darauf installieren). Wenn du keines hast, haben wir aber notfalls auch ein, zwei Linux-Notebooks zur Verfügung.
Bitte teile uns bei der Anmeldung auch gleich folgendes mit:
    * Kannst du einen Laptop mitbringen? Welches Betriebssystem verwendest du da? (z.B. Windows 8, Windows 10, Mac OS, Ubuntu Linux, …)
    * Hast du irgendwelche speziellen Bedürfnisse (z.B. Kinderbetreuung, barrierefreie Räume, …)
Der Workshop ist auf 12 Teilnehmer*innen beschränkt. Wir bitten dich daher um verlässliche Zusagen bis spätestens 19. November 2016. Falls du merkst, dass du dann doch nicht kannst, gib uns bitte auch umgehend Bescheid, damit wir den Platz einer anderen Person geben können, die auf der Warteliste steht.
Als Arbeitssprache im Workshop verwenden wir Deutsch. Wir übersetzen bei Bedarf aber gerne auch auf Englisch und von Englisch auf Deutsch.
Dieser Workshop ist der erste Teil einer Workshopreihe von diebin.at und A Noether Network. Mz. Baltazar’s Laboratory freut sich sehr diese Workshopreihe zu hosten. Es folgen danach  zwei weitere Teile:
    * Teil 2: Shell Programmierung/Scripting
    * Teil 3: Wie setze ich einen (Web-)Server auf?
Teil 2 wird voraussichtlich im Jänner und Teil 3 im Feber 2017 stattfinden. Die Workshops bauen aufeinander auf, können aber auch unabhängig voneinander besucht werden.
Anmerkungen zur Einladungspolitik
Die Vermittlung von Wissen rund um Technik wird oftmals von Ausschlussmechanismen begleitet, die besonders Frauen* den Zugang zu Technik erschweren oder verunmöglichen. Wir wenden uns gegen Zuschreibungen davon, wer denn Technisches wie gut verstehen kann. Daher sind wir auch gegen die Dominanz von Cismännern im Alltag des Technikbetriebes.
Unser Ziel für diesen Workshop ist es, einen Raum zu schaffen in dem sich vor allem jene Menschen bestärkt fühlen sich mit Technik auseinanderzusetzen, die von diesem Wissensbereich traditionellerweise ausgeschlossen sind. Daher richtet sich der Workshop an Frauen* und Transpersonen.
Wir sind uns dessen bewusst, dass auch Frauen* sich auf eine Art verhalten können, die anderen Frauen* Platz wegnimmt. Ein Frauen*raum löst daher auch nicht alle Probleme die uns hier auffallen. Aber er ist eine sehr gute und erprobte Art um Frauen* darin zu bestärken mit Technik zu experimentieren.
Am Ende geht es aber darum wie wir uns in dem Workshop verhalten. Daher möchten wir unserem Workshop auch die selben Codes of Conduct geben, die Mz Baltazars Lab für ihre Räume und Veranstaltungen anwenden: http://www.mzbaltazarslaboratory.org/code-of-conduct/

*safe use* a condom for social media workshop by bangiebangs & lislis

We like to share: pics with friends, stories with spouses, and the weather with our parents. In most cases we know what we want to share with whom but today’s media have a life of their own and don’t share our opinions. We share more than we think. Which information lies behind, and which comment? What do I share with a human, the network, or an algorithm? What do I share without knowing?

We take a view onto Social-Media-Platforms, how they work, collect information, and finance themselves. How can we use them without sharing “everything” and how can we keep some privacy?

Penetrating the black box, hacking as an emancipatory strategy in Art, Science & Technology – Workshop with Patrícia J. Reis

This workshop targets female* and trans* artists, scientists, hackers and those curious in art and/or tech, interested in learning and sharing what they know about technology by demythifying and demystifying the so-called “black box”. By means of a fearless environment we invite participants to open electronic devices, break them apart, recycle components, play around with circuit-bending, questioning functionality, or simply hang out for a little chat and a cup of tea. Additionally, the workshop aims to be a meeting point for all female* and trans* hackers and/or artists interested in networking regardless of their background, experience, and level of knowledge. Mz* Baltazar’s is interested in getting to know and listen to its peers, connecting and bringing together female* and trans* people who share post-internet, hacktivist, queerfeminist, and DIY/DIT, open source political views.


Hacking is nowadays a common practice and creative strategy employed among post-internet artists. By subverting the system, reverse engineering, hacking creative processes, defending access and openismus, they instrument a bottom-up methodology using deconstruction as a method to “make” art. Acknowledging Vilém Flusser’s (1986) challenge of opening the “black box” they question what is behind commercial apparatuses, defying their potential with the awareness of the impact of technology in the current neo-liberal market. Built upon the belief that art practice can be a critical impetus for social change, hacking practices and methods might be constituted as a potential tool for activating the spectator, emancipating and leading them into the process of questioning consumer capitalism.

Yet, those important tools of critical thought are still not completely accessible to all genders, since in the current time we still face the problem that women* and trans* people are a minority in both the creative and technical design of new technologies. The scenario is particular worrying in the context of hackerspaces, makerspaces, media art festivals, media art exhibitions and media art university degrees. This problem stems from the fact that electronic and programming are very often connoted as white normative male tools, and likewise the way technology is introduced to women and trans* people in their social and creative environment.

As an alternative, several initiatives such as Mz* Baltazar’s Lab based in Vienna, aim to contribute for merging the gender gap of female* and trans* people in the art, scientific and technology realm/ market by offering them tech/ art workshops, exhibition space and a supportive active community in a discrimination and sexual harassment free environment. By creating a space that fosters creativity, activism and provocative thinking MzB aims to empower women* and trans* people and support them in the development of their projects. Conscious that the intertwining of diversified knowledge and experience is primary for a community-building process, MzB invites women* and trans* people from different mindsets and backgrounds to share and collaborate without restrictions. Penetrating the black box is an invitation for those that are interested in intersecting their view points with other politics of perception contributing for a critical thought towards the necessity of demythifying and demystifying the ‘black box’.

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