Xenofeminists, cyberfeminists, feminist hackers…they represent different, sometimes contradicting concepts and strategies. Some to gain agency and visibility, others to enhance tech literacy, to create a room of one‘s own or a safer space, to manage collective living, to work with a non-binary perspective on gender and situated knowledge, to agree on a code of conduct or an idea of justice. In this workshop we will read a few abstracts about all these different feminist and queer-feminist approaches and share our own thoughts. Then we will create hands-on objects and artistic prototypes that express our experience and comment on recent national and international events. Please bring a computer!
Feminist Artificial Intelligence – workshop by Stefanie Wuschitz – Zagreb

When: 09. 09. 2017 – 10. 09. 2017
Time: 00:00 – 23:59
Stefanie Wuschitz
Stefanie Wuschitz works at the intersection of research, art and technology, with a particular focus on feminist hackerspaces, open source technology and peer production. She graduated with an MFA in 2006. 2008 she completed her Masters at the Interactive Telecommunication Program at TISCH School of the arts at NYU and became Digital Art Fellow at Umeå University in Sweden. 2009 she founded the feminist hackerspace Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory in Vienna, encouraging technology that is developed from a female perspective. In 2014 she finished her PhD with the title ‘Feminist Hackerspaces. A Research on Feminist Space Collectives in Open Culture’ at the Vienna University of Technology. October until June 2015 she held a part-time Post-Doc position at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna, co-organizing the Open Hardware Summit Europe and co-editing the publication ‘Openism. Conversations on Open Hardware’. Since March 2015 Stefanie is part of a research group at the University of Michigan (School of Information) and worked as a Post-Doc at the Vienna University of Technology. She is collaborating with scholars in the fields of Human Computer Interaction, Informatics, STS and Digital Art. Stefanie was giving international workshopse.g. at the University of Michigan, Kunsthochschule Kassel, Institute of Contemporary Art Moscow, Bartlett University College London, Shih-Chien University Taipei, Transmediale Berlin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Harvest Works NYCand exhibiting internationallye.g. Arthall Budapest HU 2004, Gallery The Parlour, UK 2005, Goethe Institute Damaskus, SY, 2006, Kunsthaus Graz, AT, 2007, Videonale Kunstmuseum Bonn, 2007, Sinopale Sinop TUR, ITP Spring and Winter Show US 2007, Austrian Cultural Forum, US, 2007, Northern Center of Photography FI, 2008, Länsmuseet Västernorrland SE 2009, Norrlands Operan SE 2009, WOCHENKLAUSUR, UK 2011, Fringe Festival Taipei 2011, Academy of Fine Arts Krakow 2011, OKNO, Brüssel 2012, Science Friction 2014 DK, GPL Contemporary 2014, Bouillants FR 2015, Jogja Contemporary, ID 2015, Art|Jog|8 ID 2015, House of Electronic Arts CH 2015 among others.
Door Policy: FLIT only
Registration: No registration required.
Event date: 09. 09. 20171
Time: 00:00 – 23:59