Projekte / Projects

SOS – Salon for Open Secrets

A Corona conform talk format, in which we publish talks with female* artists, hackers, makers, scientists on the existing challenges and their solutions – weaving an interconnected web of materials, components, ecologies, economies, labor, hardware, geographies, ethics and politics of becoming in our more than human world.

FEM*MAD – Female* Engagements in Making – Making a Difference

A project that deals with the fact, that a lot of MakerSpaces are quite homogenic in their audience – white, young and male. The project addresses this gap and looks for possibilities to make MakerSpaces more inclusive.

Female Artist Index Vienna

is an online platform and directory which amplifies the visibility of female* artists working within the intersection of science, technologies, and feminism, in Vienna, specifically artists working on/with developing hardware/tools/materials for their artistic practices.