Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory
proudly presents:
proudly presents:
a Workshop by Rachelle Beaudoin
17th of June, 2014, 6pm
at Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory
Sechshauserstraße 28, 1150 Vienna
In this workshop, participants will explore soft switches and e-textiles
through hacking sound recorders and other small devices or adding lights etc..
The goal is to alter the garments to create underwear that play
Positive Affirmations to the wearer.
We may
work in small groups.
No programming knowledge needed.
Rachelle Beaudoin is an artist who uses video, wearables, and performance to explore feminine iconography and identity within popular culture. She attended the College of the Holy Cross and holds a Master’s degree in Digital+Media from Rhode Island School of Design. She is currently a US Fulbright Artist-in-Residence at quartier21/MQ in Vienna.