Goodies for Patreons level 3

Once again, thanks so much for supporting us!

Please, have a look on the goodies and tell us the number/slogan of the one you want to receive.

Send your choice and address to the e-mail:

The items below are made by the indonesian
Needle n’ bitch collective

Besides creating these items from
recycled materials, the collective holds workshops and gives out
information in indonesian about menstruation, sexuality and related issues

Follow them on instagram


1- Ayo Berkebun (Indonesian for: Let’s go gardening)

2- Change how you see not how you look

3- Proud to be Queer

4- My body, my choice

5- Bag Needle n’ Bitch Collective

6- Sex without consent isn’t sex

7- Yes, I am a Feminist. No, I am not a woman

8- Pround to be Queer

9- Sharing is caring

10- Arm your love

11- Various bags small

12- Arm your love

13- Proud to be Queer

14- Change how you see not how you look

15- I’m pro choice

16- Various bags (small)

17- No more blood shame (L/pink)

18- No more blood shame (L/yellow)

19- Sex without consent isn’t sex

20- Various small patches

21- Various patches big

22- Still not loving homophobia

23- Reading is sexy

24- Only do it with consent

25- T-Shirt Do it yourself (XL/black)