An Analog Artist working in a Digital World
Nicole Boitos wird in diesem Workshop über ihre Arbeit als Freelance Künstlerin sprechen. Es geht dabei insbesondere um die Vernetzung mit internationalen KundInnen und KuratorInnen. Obwohl Nicole in ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit analoge Methoden anwendet, sind Webtechnologien für die Präsentation und Vermarktung derselben Arbeiten unabdingbar geworden. Das gesamte soziale Netzwerken, Bewerben und Ausstellen ihrer Arbeiten sowie die Kommunikation mit internationalen PartnerInnen und KundInnen erledigt sie ausschließlich über online Netzwerke.
Nicole will talk extensively about her career as a freelance artist creating work for clients across the globe – how digital and web technology has become vital to an artist who works primarily using direct analog methods. This includes networking, promotion, and exhibition of work as well as connecting with and working with international clients via various internet technologies.

Nicole M Boitos is an artist, illustrator and tattooer from the United States (Philadelphia and New York City) currently living and working in Vienna.
After her childhood in the midwestern United States, Nicole M Boitos moved to Philadelphia in 1993 to earn several conservatory and university degrees in fine art and to establish her studio. Primary mediums include large format oil on canvas, copper etching and engraving, wood engraving, mixed mediums on paper, watercolor and public mixed-media murals. She has collaborated with many notable artists and musicians on an array of projects: creating art for album covers (Michael Gira/The Body Lovers/Swans, Bee & Flower, James Blackshaw, Shearwater, Human Greed/Fragile Pitches, Korperschwache, Jarboe, Neurosis, A Storm of Light and Red Sparowes), hand-drawn animated sequences for video, and promotional materials (logos, posters, t-shirt graphics). She also works as a commercial illustrator creating story boards and illustrations for advertising agencies, film companies and private clients around the world. Her work has been exhibited throughout the United States and Europe, most recently having a solo exhibition and live painting performance with the band Larsen in Torino, Italy on April 26th and 27th.